Overgrown Forest

Charlotte Kaplan

Knotted fabric and twine. I love the tactile quality of fabric and other fibers (the twine). Knotted fabric gives dimension and richness to the piece. Enjoy! Design Source – Original design.

Rainbow Log Cabin

Bill Keller

NSNG Majority hand-dyed fabric. Walking foot and hand quilted. This was my first foray into hand-dyed fabric for quilting.

December Fields

Bill Keller

NSNG Machine sewn, pleated and pieced, needleturn applique, hand quilted. Most of the piecing is actually pleated fabric that was stitched. Used colors to create depth of field.

Lincoln Longwool

Dagmar Klos

Hand dyed raw fleece, felted (wet and dry), including undyed, washed fleece. As a spinner, I have a passion for sheep wool, especially the longwool breeds. Design Source – Original.

Pacific Paradise

Valerie Koppenhaver

Carol Naylor machine stitching class/bobbinwork. Inspired by a beautiful piece of land on the California coast. Design Source – Original from photo.

Not Just the Zig Zag Stitch

Donna Koranek

Machine stitched, hand embroidered, hand beaded. This piece was machine stitched using a variety of decorative stitches. It was then hand embroidered and beaded. Design Source – Class by Carol Ann Waugh, ‘Stupendous Stitching’.

My Green Dresden Neighborhood

Sherry Kramer

Machine sewn, fused. Quilted by Barb Raisback. This wallhanging was made at a retreat in Wisconsin. I like the whimsical nature of the design and love to use green when I can. Design Source – “Dresden Neighborhood” pattern by Kim Lapacek

Too Sweet

Pat Kroth

Hand-dyed and commercial fiber fragments, found objects, tulle, candy wrappers, etc! Heat-bonded, machine stitched. With 4 kids and 3 grandkids I find myself recycling lots of things in my artwork…candy wrappers abound. Design Source – Original

Life Routes

Pat Kroth

Commercial fabrics, digital photographs, maps, stamps, candy wrappers, heat-bonded collage, machine stitched. There are subtle sepia-toned images of family members throughout the quilt. We are all bound together in our various liferoutes. Design Source – Original