
Diane Greening

Machine pieced and quilted, hand dyed (home and purchased) and batik fabrics. I would like to thank my mother, Marie Greening, for making this quilt possible. My first attempt at machine quilting quilting this was dreadful. My shoulder hurt, my machine misbehaved, and yet I kept on going. When it was done, I decided thatContinue reading “Scatteration

Diane Greening

Tuscan Fortress

Diane Greening

Machine pieced and quilted, purchased hand dyed fabrics. The pattern evokes an ancient wooden door with metal studs on it, but this impression is softened by the faded fresco colors. The peachy/brown blocks appear to float over the green background. I’ve tried to re-create this quilt with different colors and have never quite managed theContinue reading “Tuscan Fortress

Diane Greening

Cherries Jubilee

Marcia Lee Hartnell

Fused machine applique embellished with beads, yarn, and 3D elements and machine quilted. The whimsicality of the pattern spsoke to me. The cherry theme was influenced by my summers in the cherry capital, Traverse City, Michigan. Some of the pattern elements were changed to reflect cherries.

Weaver Fantasy

Marcia Lee Hartnell

Machine pieced background with fused applique accented with hand embroidery and beads. The background was finished waiting for inspiration. It was calling for additional embellishment. After a year of thinking and looking I found the butterflies and flowers.

Bits & Pieces

Marcia Lee Hartnell

Machine foundation pieced from scraps in 11″ strips that were joined, then sashed to make the quilt. The scraps were gleamed from many projects. Some were small fun designs. The bag of scraps seemed to grow larger as I worked.