Machine pieced & long arm quilted by Debbie Cimaglio. Created and given in love to celebrate the marriage of Lee Portman and Abby Chiron on July 31, 2010, Chicago. I wanted a less “traditional” quilt for this young couple and therefore chose the pattern Elongated Diamond by Jan Kreuger. With a variety of bright, boldContinue reading “Black Diamonds
Machine pieced & machine quilted. Created and given in love to celebrate the birth of Avery Basilia MacArthur born September 20, 2010. Proud parents Andy and Emily (Bautista) MacArthur have eagerly awaited the arrival of their first child. I hope the bright colors and “happy bubbles” make this a favorite cuddle up quilt for theirContinue reading “Happy Bubbles
Machine pieced & machine quilted. I love springtime and the “birth” every year of my garden, I enjoy looking at this quilt in the dead of winter, when everything is covered in snow, to remind me of the many flowers and butterflies that grace my garden before winter arrives.
Machine & hand appliqué, embellished. This design shows the realization that hit me in grammar school that the sun and moon weren’t the same object in the sky. I saw the moon in the sky one afternoon walking home from school and the phrase “Sun went down, turned around, came back up as the Moon”Continue reading “Sun Went Down, Turned Around, Came Back Up as the Moon
Two fabric reverse hand appliqué, hand quilted & embellished. I like combining techniques and thought that this appliqué pattern that I started in an IQI workshop that Nancy Lee Chong taught was a perfect start to explore an embellishing technique.
Machine couched yarn, hand beaded, lotus blossum chopkey (Korean paper folding) petals, machine quilted. Patterns in nature, like the interlocking spirals of the sunflower seeds in my mandala occur in many life forms. Scientists are beginning to understand the biochemical reasons for this growth pattern. This is a copy of the panel I made forContinue reading “Sunflower Mandala
Japanese technique rice paste resist, acid dyes, treated silk jacquard, created using my own mulberry paper cut stencils, layering of dyes, steamed to set. After fabric created, sewn into jacket patchwork style. Unique one of a kind material created from ancient Japanese stencil printing technique. I was influenced by my trip to Japan and studyingContinue reading “Multicolor Hand-painted Stencil Motif Jacquard Kimono-Style Lined Jacket