As a Christmas gift last year, I made my husband a needlework version of his favorite hiking trail in the Colorado Rockies – Cub Lake. This piece was inspired by Barbara Schneider’s “Observations: Walking in Wonder” exhibit. (Handwork done on linen with some dimension added to reflect topography.)
Exhibition Year Archives
Cub Lake Trail
Dancing Under the StarsMarilyn Graves
A whimsical garden scene based on my own backyard. The flowers are dancing in the starllight of early evening. All of the garden welsomes the ool air that re-energizes after a warm summer’s day. The initial inspiration for this picture was a class on making Dorset buttons. (A combinaton of several types of handwork, machineContinue reading “Dancing Under the Stars
Marilyn Graves
Marble RunDiane Greening
The Snowball block provides a showcase for purchased hand-dyed fabric. (Pieced, machine quilted.)
Spring SprungDiane Greening
Original design created in the NSNG Jane Sassaman workshop. Some of my favorite Illinois native wildflowers: Columbine, Jack in the Pulpit, and Prairie Trillium. (Appliqued, machine quilted.)
Where Have all the (Sun)flowers Gone?Diane Greening
(Pieced, machine quilted and embroidered.)
Peacock BraidSusan Groshong
The braids for this quilt were completed in 2020.. It took 11 years to build the skills I needed to quilt it the way I wanted. Never give up! (Machine pieced and quilted.)
Butterfly GardenMarcia Lee Hartnell
It’s relaxing to embroider and hand stitch with no real stitching in mind. (Elements are fused then hand embroidered and beaded.)
ConifersMarcia Lee Hartnell
Enjoyed getting a selection of green fabrics. (Machine applique.)
On a Fall WalkMarcia Lee Hartnell
The small confetti pieces are fused to the backing. Then top stitched to hold in place. (Confetti fabric pieces fused and over stitched.)