Exposed spine coptic stitch sewing. Sewn endbands, attached leather clasp. Covers made of etched copper. The challenge of this book was sewing the endbands and attaching the clasp.
Exhibition Year Archives
Small Book with Clasp
Birds Worth Knowing: An ABCdarian BookSheila Schaeffer-Hirsh
This altered book was cut, sewn, stamped on punched, pasted, reinforced and painted. Tabs A – Z were added to the edge. This altered book contains pictures and descriptions of birds and bird knowledge, A – Z. I was challenged to artistically attach the many articles of bird ephemera I collected for this book.
Small Book with ClaspSheila Schaeffer-Hirsh
Exposed spine coptic stitch sewing. Sewn endbands, attached leather clasp. Covers made of etched copper. The challenge of this book was sewing the endbands and attaching the clasp.
Color Study in TwillTom Schuler
Hand woven – pointed twill. A study in color and pattern.
Tequila SunriseAngel Sidor
Machine applique, pieced and quilted. Quilted by Sue DiVarco. While visiting my sister at Christmas she was making this. So, as in most of my life, when my sister starts something I have to try also. I guess that’s what being the younger sister is all about. The pattern takes the traditional log cabin andContinue reading “Tequila Sunrise
Angel Sidor
A Dream Spell YearAngel Sidor
Machine applique, machine pieced, machine quilted. Quilted by Sue DiVarco. This was a block of a month quilt that I didn’t start until I had all the blocks. The different design for each month is what really drew me to the project. It was my first machine appliqué quilt and as the pieces were preContinue reading “A Dream Spell Year
Angel Sidor
Pineapple Stars QuiltRuth L. Stemeyer
The Pineapple Stars Quilt is paper-pieced and machine quilted. The Pineapple Stars Quilt is paper pieced and machine quilted. I completed the quilt February 9, 2016.
Courthouse Curve QuiltRuth L. Stemeyer
The Courthouse Curve Quilt is machine pieced and machine quilted.
Aurora Feathered StarSue Sweeney
IQI Machine pieced, machine embroidery, machine quilted. This Nancy Mahoney designed block had a lot of techniques I wanted to try. This will hang over my Santa Collection this Christmas season.