Spring Garden

Cathy Mendola

Hand stitched & beaded. I started this piece during an NSNG workshop. I continued to add layers of stitching & beading until the piece resembled a spring garden of flowers.

Ocean Currency

Cathy Mendola

Discharged fabric & commercial fabrics, wire wrapped sand dollar pieces, machiine quilted, fused. The discharged fabrics echo the shapes of the broken sand dollar pieces as well as mimic shifting sands from the ocean’s tide. The fabric directly behind the sand dollars resembles water bubbling in a tide pool.

Vessel of Promise

Cathy Mendola

Wet felting, beads, driftwood, feathers. This was done during a mini-worksop. My first-ever attempt at wet felting. I used to create vessles in clay but fiber is my first love so this opened up a whole new world for me! I’m addicted to felting now!


Cathy Mendola

Bead embroidery, bead weaving, driftwood, coral, beach glass, seashells. I puchased the large white nowlite donut not knowing what I would do with it. One day while cleaning my studio I saw the piece of coral & it grew from there. Bits & pieces of items found at the beach.

Natures Creatures

Elizabeth Mini

Machine pieced, Pat Barry machine quilted piece, fuzzy cut animals, over 72 fabrics used in this piece. Original design, over 68 hours to assemble, over 72 fabrics used, log cabin pattern borders quilt.

Bargello Quilt


Machine pieced and machine quilted. The Bargello quilt is machine pieced and machine quilted.