
Melanie Anderson

Machine pieced and quilted. I generally piece by trial and error. I also love using leftovers. So this is a “trial and error meets old shirts and leftovers” quilt.

Catawampus: A Diagonal, Askew Boook

Sue Babbs

Bobbin lace, free machine embroidery & book making techniques. The book demonstrates the meaning & historical usage of the work “catawampus” – diagonal; askew; awry; kitty-cornered; a fierce, imaginary animal.

Time Flies

Sue Babbs

The wings are worked in needle lace in silk and metallic threads. The clock face is made from Shrink Plastic, and the body is painted silk. The “numerals” on the clock face spell “Tempus Fugit” (the Latin for Time Flies). The needlelace wings were worked over a background photo of real dragonfly wings.


Christine K. Bae

Fabric colllage by using printed and hand painted fabrics. Bonded with Wonder Wonder. I tried contemporary quilt without sewing machine. This artwork is created for composed colors and shapes only by using scissors.