In the Clear Twighlight

Virginia Cruz Carlson

Mixed Media: hand painted on canvas and hand thread painted; hand quilted “Twighlight” has so many cool values. Created in paint and thread was the best way I found to interpret the feelings. An oxymoron, twilight may not be clear, but the feelings it evokes are—hence the original spelling.

Too Sexy for My Coa

Virginia Cruz Carlson

Mixed Media; mono-printing on batting and thread painted. Hand quilted This goat’s picture was taken at the Racine Zoo in Wisconsin by the artist. He strutting his stuff.

Bite Me

Virginia Cruz Carlson

Mixed Media: fiber, yarn, copper beads, paint, rubber snake; machine appliquéd and quilted and hand beaded Sometimes the only way to deal with stress is with humor.

Coneflowers Gone Wild

Sabrina Cassidy

Pieced, fused raw edge appliqué This quilt is pieced with fused raw-edge appliqué. More than 20 fabrics were used to create the blended flowers. The quilt was long arm quilted by Heather Vanderkleed.

The Art of Gingko

Sabrina Cassidy

Pieced, raw edge appliqué, stamping, silk screen, foiling, use of hand dyed ribbons This is a pieced, fused raw-edge appliqué quilt. I have stamped and screen printed over commercial fabrics with Lumiere paint. Foiling and loose thread add additional drama to this quilt. This quilt was long arm quilted by Heather Vanderkleed.

Hannah’s I Spy

Georgia Cibul

Hand pieced and machine quilted Hannah is my 4th grandchild and the last to receive an I Spy quilt. Her favorite colors are pink and purple. She loves cats, princesses’ (of course, she is one) jewelry and camping with her family. The quilt was long arm quilted by Sue DiVarco

Julia & David’s Wedding Quilt

Georgia Cibul

Hand appliquéd and hand quilted This quilt was made for my daughter and son-in-law for their wedding. I had the help of several friends at Morning Glories quilt group. If not for them, this quilt would have taken even longer to complete. It was quilted by The Stitchery, Delevan, WI.