
Suzanne Ditsler

Wooden curtain rings, wooden spools, rocks, waxed linen put together with steel rings. The piece represents my constant need to make something balanced out of chaos. Thus the netted rocks at the bottom.

Working Dogs

Suzanne Ditsler

Wire – needle felting – sewing In this piece the “Working Dog” is depicted as “playing”, “dancing”, :walking” or loving their prey – rather than “working it”.

Tree Hugger

Suzanne Ditsler

Needle felting, wire, beads Birch trees are a favorite. The image of a tree, blowing leaves and all one delicate color – makes me smile.

Penny Totems

Suzanne Ditsler

Felted wool – sewn – wire – embroidery. I love the geometry of the penny rug. I am also intrigued by the totem poles. The two together provide an interesting image.